Everything for horse and rider

Visit our shops

Office & Shop Lille

Monday: 9u – 17u
Tuesday: 9u – 17u
Wednesday: 9u – 17u
Thursday: 9u – 17u
Friday: 9u – 17u
Saturday: 10u – 17u
Sunday: closed

Achterstenhoek 9, 2275 Lille


Monday to Friday: 08u00 – 17u00
Saturday and Sunday: closed

Achterstenhoek 9, 2275 Lille

Shop Lier

Azelhof Horse Events:

During events at Azelhof: 10u00 – 17u00

If there are no events, we are closed.

On tuesdays the opening hours may vary. Please call us before your visit.

Aarschotsesteenweg 201, 2500 Koningshooikt

Our shops

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